A major Palestinian city in the West Bank. It was built by the Emperor Adrian and called Neapolis. The old market of the city is very unique with its old buildings and traditional industries, such as olive oil soap, Turkish delight, and old Turkish baths.
Sites to visit:
- Jacobs Well: considered the authentic place where Jesus met the Samaritan women and spoke to her. (John 4:6)
- Scheme ( Sheckem): an ancient city and biblical town. (Genesis 47:22; 33:19; Joshua 24:32)
- Mount Ebal: known as the “Mount of the Blessing”, a holy mountain for the Samaritans; the smallest religious community in the world (Deut: 29-11)
- Samaritan Community: the smallest religious community in the world today. They call themselves the real Jews and believe in the first five books of Moses. (Luke 37-10:29)
- Sebastian: the capital of Samaria the old days. Later, it was built and fortified by Herod the Great and was named after Augustus Creaser
- Tall Dothan: the place where Joseph’s brothers, the children of Jacob, sold Joseph to the caravan. (Gen. 22:37)
- Burqeen: the oldest church that is still in use in Samaria. It is believed to be built where Jesus healed the ten leapers. (Matthew 8)