A major Palestinian city in the center of the West Bank, Located 6 miles north of Jerusalem.
Sites to visit:
- Taybeh: the Old Ephraim, the refuge of Jesus after raising Lazarus from death. Taybeh means “good” in Arabic. It was given this name years later because the people here were so good to Jesus when he stayed with them (John 54-11:53)
- Al Biereh: a city next to Ramallah, and the old Beirut, where Mary and Joseph realized that jesus was not with them during their Journey back to Nazareth.
- AL Qubeibeh: it is the more probable site of Emmaus, where Jesus walked with the two disciples. There are remains of a village from the Roman era and the Byzantine church at this location.
- Nabi Samuel: the burial site of the prophet Samuel. The Crusaders called it “the Mount of Joy” since it was the spot where they first saw Jerusalem
- Beth EL: a Biblical village where Jacob was when he has a dream about the ladder that went up to heaven. (Genesis 28:19)
- Shiloh: an ancient town where the tabernacle of the temple remained for tens of years until the Israelites lost the Ark of the Covenant to the philistines. It also has remains of three Christian churches from the Byzantine era. (Genesis 49:10; Isaiah9:6; Joshua 10-18:1)A